Posts Tagged ‘jazz’


This afternoon, as I was moving my stuff to my room (same apartment, different room- see picture below), I found myself singing “La vie en rose”. Actually, I had a mini-Louis Armstrong in my mind singing it for me while I worked hard :) .
I realized I hadn’t listened to Louis Armstrong in a long time. Then, I remembered that that same morning I had watched an episode of the famous yellow american cartoon family in which Bart becomes a member of a Jazz band*. As I listened to the melody, I told myself “Jazz is beautiful, why haven’t I been listening to any Jazz lately??”. A minute after that I had already forgotten about it… I am usually easily distracted, but I was also extremely tired.
Luckily for me, only a few hours after that, my mind unconsciously turned on an inner record. As I listened/hummed “La vie en rose”, I traveled back in time… Ella and Louis are the soundtrack of many memories that I shared with someone I once loved very much.
I felt surprised, the music didn’t stir up any sad feelings or anything. I just had this sudden heart-warmth, and smiled.

By 10pm I had moved all the important stuff to my new room (ie: the bed and the computer). I had to study but I was exhausted. Physically, at least. And who said studying doesn’t require physical fitness too? I decided to rent a movie and watch it in my room instead. I wanted to watch “Argentina latente” a movie that shows how Argentina still has potential to grow and do better (or so I’ve been told).
I looked in two different video stores and couldn’t find it, and since the second store was already closing (it was 12am by then) I told myself I’d take whatever movie looked good enough. As I was about to give up on the search, I found WALL-E. I had been meaning to watch it since it came out in cinemas, but my cinema buddy (ie: Dechi) refused to accompany me. And there it was, my postponed wish. I picked it and rushed home to watch it before it was too late to not feel guilty about not studying.
Beautiful movie, full of really creative means of communicating and with a good message. I recommend it to anyone who still has an inner child.
Some 20 minutes into the movie, a song starts playing… “La vie en rose”, performed by no other than Louis Armstrong.
I thought of pausing the movie and posting it here immediately, but then… I thought it could wait; the movie was just too beautiful to pause it.

*I really like that episode, and not because of the Jazz, but because in that episode Lisa gives shelter to all the stray animals in the city.



