Posts Tagged ‘funny pic’

July summary

July was a pretty hectic month over here.
I wonder how it happened that I started working at an infectious diseases clinic and only two months later a pandemic hits the country and radically changes our daily routine.

It was pretty crazy. Schools and universities were closed for over 4 weeks (longest winter holidays I could have ever dreamed of), people went out a lot less due to fear if catching the flu, pregnant women and other risk groups were given compulsory leave from work. And here’s where I come in. I replaced my boss’ secretary for a whole month because she is pregnant. It was fun but tiring.

I’m sorry for this long absence!

Swine flu

Yeah, everyone was talking about it… some weeks ago. Just as I have a particular prejudice against best-sellers, it seems I also have a prejudice against “vogue” blogging topics. 

So I’m writing about it now, when a huge load of the fuzz is already gone, even though new cases continue to be identified and the risk is probably as high as before… anyway, I personally believe the issue was badly exploited by the media and the pharma industry; the public was given incomplete and frightening information, creating an unrealistic fear of a global health crisis…

Anyway, I don’t want to get into a debate over this. I just wanted to confirm that yes, work during those days was crazy because anyone who sneezed had to be isolated in order to prevent all the other sick-but-not-with-swine-flu patients from freaking out. Masks were sold in massive quantities by pharmacies, even those that wouldn’t work against the virus… The worst was to see how some would abuse the little understanding that elder people had about the disease and their risk, and would just convince them to spend their whole pension on useless artifacts to prevent a deadly granny-eating virus… ayy… 

Anyway, in the spirit of showing a big smile at the hard times, let me share with you this funny illustration:

Piglet- swine flu

Early St. Valentine’s

I’ve been having bad stomachaches for the last week, which were accompanied by a drastic reduction in my intake of sweets, coffee, mate and fried, fatty food… basically, my means of survival were forbidden and I had to eat rice, potatoes and water for a week.

Yesterday I did some tests (ecography, X-rays, etc) and everything came out normal (no alien growing inside my belly…). And you know what usually happens when the doctor confirms you are healthy? Yes, I suddenly started feeling healthier. It was as if he had enabled me to return to my regular life. I got my green card to the land of caffeine and oil renewed.

To celebrate, I ate some sweet bakery, and closed the day with a midnight snack (hey, my stomach got used to tiny portions of tasteless food, I couldn’t eat supper after the bakery!): scrambled egg.

For some obscure act of fate, this is what my egg looked like.

St. Valentine's egg

I immediately thought of posting it here, and remembered that it will soon be Valentine’s… not that it makes any difference to me, but once you start noticing the giant golden cupids hanging from the ceiling of the shopping malls, and you see yourself imbedded in a heart-shaped world (literally), you know that this infamous celebration is near.

As for this egg, any resemblance to an actual heart is purely coincidental.

Innovative technology # 4

I found this at a public building (stock market of the city of Buenos Aires) some days ago.

Elevator tracker

I know what you’re thinking…

But no, it is not the latest version of Atari’s Pong video-game.

No, my friends… You are watching a state of the art device designed to track the position of the 3 elevators in the building (each square representing an elevator, as you might have probably guessed!)

The elevators take quite a while and people don’t really look at the screen anymore, except the few of us who were newbies in the building and were hence curious about this new technology… But being that it takes so long for one to actually get a lift to the workplace, they might consider switching to cable tv and giving the employees something to do while they wait for the metal boxes to cruise down to the ground-floor.


On a side note, for those who ever owned an atari console, here’s some memorabilia! (well, some of these I haven’t seen before, but they still remind me of the good ol’ times) I still remember the day my dad showed up with one of these…

And here’s a special treat for my countrymates: another broken dream from our childhood… I found this video while searching for the Atari adverts, I had completely forgoteen about this scam! haha..

Holy cow, I just realized that the creepy bear depicted above is called Teddy… now, that’s a coincidence!

Postcards of the city #5 // Promoting tourism

Innovative technology #3

Window in a bar at the hospital. It gets chilly in winter, so windows need to be securely locked.

Postcards of the city #2 // Greetings from the farm

The political and economical situation that, together with the intentional grass burnings and the eruption of the Chaitén, has left Argentina under a cloud of preoccupation and unrest for the last months, has not prevented the major players in the conflict from having some sense of humor…
If you were asking yourself if penguins were aggressive animals, this post might shed some light on that doubt… As to whether a bull and a penguin could engage in a duel in the middle of a city, it seemed unrealistic to me until today, when I witnessed what is seen in the pictures below (I wonder if it could have anything to do with global warming…)
Now back to reality (and trust me, it is equally hard for me to believe that this is our reality) these are the instruments of propaganda exploited in a conflict that has kept Argentineans with an arm around their pig and a foot on the horse

(note: the penguin speaks on behalf of the president, the bull on behalf of the rural economic sector)


While rebellion took place in the farm, world leaders (including our president) gathered together in Rome to discuss the global food crisis . The worldwide rise of food prices has rendered it impossible for the poor to afford even the basic grains like corn and rice (more on this topic here).
In some countries, like Haiti, people have taken the streets and cried out plain and loud: “we are hungry”. Everywhere in the world, hundreds of millions of people are victims of hunger, violence and disease; they die slowly, under the indifferent eye of the very nations that have now – finally- decided to unite forces and help.
Meanwhile, false commitments are professed by our leaders, reality is masked with bogus statistics, responsability is evaded with fabricated accusations, and opposing voices are silenced by explicit aggression. Milk is spilled and food is left to rot in a country that, despite having enough resources to feed around 400 million people, fails to provide for its own, and is undoubtedly too incapable of solving its own problems to even dare think about giving a hand of relief to countries in a worse situation…


At first, and taking advantage of the beautiful mascots depicted above, I wanted to write a fable to convey how ridiculous and illogical the recent actions of our government seem to me, but then I figured that someone else – a brilliant author from a different (?) time – had spoken about matters like this with a wit that is hard to match. I decided to quote some parts of one of his books, so here it goes:

Napoleon was well aware of the bad results that might follow if the real facts of the food situation were known, and he decided to make use of Mr. Whymper to spread a contrary impression. Hitherto the animals had had little or no contact with Whymper on his weekly visits: now, however, a few selected animals, mostly sheep, were instructed to remark casually in his hearing that rations had been increased. In addition, Napoleon ordered the almost empty bins in the store-shed to be filled nearly to the brim with sand, which was then covered up with what remained of the grain and meal. On some suitable pretext Whymper was led through the store-shed and allowed to catch a glimpse of the bins. He was deceived, and continued to report to the outside world that there was no food shortage on Animal Farm.

Nevertheless, towards the end of January it became obvious that it would be necessary to procure some more grain from somewhere. In these days Napoleon rarely appeared in public, but spent all his time in the farmhouse, which was guarded at each door by fierce-looking dogs. When he did emerge, it was in a ceremonial manner, with an escort of six dogs who closely surrounded him and growled if anyone came too near. Frequently he did not even appear on Sunday mornings, but issued his orders through one of the other pigs, usually Squealer.

One Sunday morning Squealer announced that the hens, who had just come in to lay again, must surrender their eggs. Napoleon had accepted, through Whymper, a contract for four hundred eggs a week. The price of these would pay for enough grain and meal to keep the farm going till summer came on and conditions were easier.

When the hens heard this, they raised a terrible outcry. They had been warned earlier that this sacrifice might be necessary, but had not believed that it would really happen. They were just getting their clutches ready for the spring sitting, and they protested that to take the eggs away now was murder. For the first time since the expulsion of Jones, there was something resembling a rebellion. Led by three young Black Minorca pullets, the hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleon’s wishes. Their method was to fly up to the rafters and there lay their eggs, which smashed to pieces on the floor. Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death.


Meanwhile life was hard. The winter was as cold as the last one had been, and food was even shorter. Once again all rations were reduced, except those of the pigs and the dogs. A too rigid equality in rations, Squealer explained, would have been contrary to the principles of Animalism. In any case he had no difficulty in proving to the other animals that they were NOT in reality short of food, whatever the appearances might be. For the time being, certainly, it had been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations (Squealer always spoke of it as a “readjustment,” never as a “reduction”), but in comparison with the days of Jones, the improvement was enormous. Reading out the figures in a shrill, rapid voice, he proved to them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than they had had in Jones’s day, that they worked shorter hours, that their drinking water was of better quality, that they lived longer, that a larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy, and that they had more straw in their stalls and suffered less from fleas. The animals believed every word of it. Truth to tell, Jones and all he stood for had almost faded out of their memories. They knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare, that they were often hungry and often cold, and that they were usually working when they were not asleep. But doubtless it had been worse in the old days. They were glad to believe so. Besides, in those days they had been slaves and now they were free, and that made all the difference, as Squealer did not fail to point out.

George Orwell, Animal Farm (1945)

Postcards of the city #1

It was a cold day…